Saturday, November 29, 2008

Health Psychology - Management of Pain and Disorder

This post serves as a general revision for the blogger and does not contain full informations of the Chapter "Management of Pain and Disorder".

Management of Pain and Disorder

The physiology of pain consist of psychological, behavorial and sensory components of the human body.

3 Kinds of Pain Perception

  1. Mechanical Nociception- Mechanical Damage to the tissue of the body
  2. Thermal Damage - Experience of pain due to temperture exposure
  3. Polymodal Nociception - pain that triggers chemical reactions from tissue damage
2 Kinds of Clinincal Pain

  1. Acute - resulting from a specific injury that produce tissue damage
  2. Chronic - Begins with an acute epsiode but does not decrease with treatment or passage of time

3 subtypes of Chronic Pain

  1. Chronic Benign pain - pain lasting 6 months or longer and relatively unresponsive to treatment
  2. Recurrent Acute Pain - Series of intermittent episodes of pain that persist more than 6 months
  3. Chronic Progressive Pain - Pain that persist more than 6 months and increase in serverity over time.

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